About Flux Bindings

History Of Flux Bindings

FLUX was born in 1992 with the concept of "the best binding for the feet."
The result of our pursuit of manufacturing is the satisfaction of people with the world's highest standard of quality.

In Japan, there are riders such as Abe Mikihiro, Yoshida Naohiro, Tahara Raio Katsuya, Yamazaki Yuuki, Nakai Koji, Kasahara Keijiro, Seki Isao, Hasegawa Atsushi, and many other riders who will lead the next generation. Overseas,
there are Jamie Lynn, Blaze Rosenthal, Matt Hammer, Romain de Marti, JP Solberg, John Jackson, and Chris Rasman.
On the journey from the 1st Model to the new XF, there have been many riders who have contributed their feedback, original ideas, and technologies.

Thanks to this world-class quality and technology, we are now expanding not only in Japan but also in over 25 countries around the world, but this is just a milestone in our journey.

FLUX will continue to be a brand that walks alongside you in your amazing snowboarding journey, and we have already begun our journey towards our next 40th anniversary.

1st. Logo  1993-1998

The original logo was in lowercase.

At the time, there were no small bindings that fit Japanese feet, so development of the first model began. The logo symbolizes the dawn of trial and error, with aluminum bases, heel cup-less bases, and two high backs. If you're a serious snowboard geek, you know that the name was changed to "Sector Flux Bindings" at one point.

2nd. Logo  1999-2001

Although this was the logo that was used for the shortest period of time, it also helped lay the foundation for what is now FLUX.

In the midst of the snowboarding bubble, the model "PREMIUM", created mainly by Rio Tahara, took the industry by storm, and in 1999 Jamie Lynn joined the team, giving it a foothold on the world stage. The functions that were created when "PREMIUM" was born are still used today, and the model name has been changed to "PR" and is loved by many people all over the world. The wing highback currently used by the "GT" model was also released in 2000 under the name "Hane".

3rd. Logo  2002 - 2005

It's the 10th anniversary of the brand's founding, and we're starting to see an increase in design variety, which is a hallmark of FLUX.

In particular, the "VIPER" released in 2003 was the world's first all-over pattern binding made using water transfer printing.

It was during this period that the boots "CROSS FIVE" were born as a separate brand. The name was said to have been inspired by the car our boss was driving at the time.

4th. Logo  2006 - 2010

This was the only time in the company's history that the logo was written in cursive, and the models and initiatives used were also very unique.

There were many features and services that would be interesting to revive today, such as UNION (later renamed EXP), a two-piece aluminum and nylon structure, the birth of a urethane high back that boasted unprecedented softness, and FCCS, which allows users to rearrange the colors of the parts.

5th. Logo  2011  - 2022

This logo, which is probably the most familiar to you, has been with FLUX for 11 years.

Today's essential features are all here, such as weight reduction and injection molding instead of sewn straps. After 10 years, our sister boot company changed its name to FLUX and began selling snowboards, becoming a total brand for the footwear industry.

6th. Logo  2023  - 

The FLUX logo will be renewed from the 2023-2024 season.

The F icon, which has been featured in various scenes with its placement changed over the 12 years since the change was made for the 2011-2012 season, will be gone, replaced by only the "FLUX" logo.

Having reached the milestone of 30 years, our new goal is to become a truly global snowboarding brand.

To achieve this, it is essential to individually solve the problems and requests of each rider and user in each country. In addition to developing new products that bring new value, it may be necessary to present existing functions in a different way or propose them in a different region.

By constantly striving for optimization and continuing to change in this way, we believe we will be able to provide the best snowboarding experience to more people, and ultimately become a snowboarding brand that is loved around the world.

And now, in order to further spread the name "FLUX" as we look towards the next Fourth Decade, we will be taking the brand to the next step with a new logo.